Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hey there!

Welcome to those who have popped over from Nester's beautiful blog. I'm so glad you are here. Enjoy the site. I have seen a couple of questions in her comments section. I wanted to clarify that Yes! You can pick anything you want. I do all custom work, so you don't have to only select things from what you see on the site. That is only your launching pad to the endless world of vinyl designs. I hope that I have given you some inspiration. I am so enjoying reading your great ideas. I am planning on making some designs based on them, so be sure to check on my samples page over the next few days to see if your idea is there! Love your creativity!

Oh, and for those of you who came here from another source, run over to the Nester's blog. We're giving away a $40 gift certificate for Fruitful Vine Creations! Hurry!

~FV Lady

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Introducing...The Wedding Collection

I am so excited to share with you a new line of products designed to make your wedding extra-personalized and fun. Couldn't you picture this in her dressing room? It would be great for those photos taken as she and her bridesmaids are preparing for the wedding.

This would be so pretty as a backdrop behind the actual wedding ceremony. We can use any verse you prefer.

On your church and reception hall doors, you could have one of the various monogram choices:

At the reception, you have so many opportunities for personalization! Imagine this centered on your dance floor:

You could have several of the flowers scattered all throughout your dance floor to complete the look!

Near your guest book on a plate, tile, or the wall:

You could put this one on a framed piece of glass on an easel near your gift table:

I think your guests will be so touched at your thoughtfulness towards them!

And, as the bride and groom drive away, wouldn't this be adorable on their car?

I don't know about you, but

These are merely the tip of the iceberg! We can personalize these designs to suit your needs. And, if you have another idea, we can do that too!

~FV Lady

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

A finished project

A client sent me a couple of photos of her daughter's room after she put up her Fruitful Vine Creation. I think this picture is so beautiful. I would have loved to have a room that looks like this when I was growing up. Wouldn't you?

And what a great reminder to a daughter of the truly important things...

Do you have any photos of YOUR Fruitful Vine Creation? I'd love to see your finished project! You can email your photos to me.

~FV Lady

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Change can be good

Did you see my new button on the side there, blinking away in all its glory? It's a tiny hint of the changes that are coming to Fruitful Vine Creations. (Kind of like getting a new outfit to go with the new shoes!) I'm spreading my wings a bit, working on some new ideas. I know this current blog look isn't too old yet, but I think it needs a facelift. Be sure to check back soon to see the new updated look. But please don't think you've landed in the wrong spot when you show up and I've changed the decor. (I don't know how to make that little accent mark over the "o", but you know what I mean.)If you'd like my blinky button on your blog, you can copy the html code and take it over to your blog. Let me know if you've done that. I plan on adding a new feature to my updated blog which links back to the blogs that have my button. Just spreadin' the love. I'd really appreciate your help in letting people know about my business.

Which makes me think of something else...

We are considering various advertising opportunities. If you have any ideas, we'd love to hear them. What magazines do you read? What websites do you frequent? Where would you advertise if you were us? Inquiring minds want to know (but we won't be advertising there! LOL).

Also, we will be launching the Wedding Collection VERY soon! Know anyone getting married? This is the latest in wedding trends. It's fun, exciting, and so personal! Love it! Wish I had known about it when I was getting married.

~FV Lady

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January Sale of the Month

Gotta honey? Wanna show the love? Love those conversation hearts?

For the month of January, you can show the love at 20% off.

Single color design
Small: 7" tall x 6" wide $10 $8
Medium: 12" x 10"$15 $12
Large 14" x 12" $20 $16

If you would like your design in multiple colors, please add $2 per color selected. All of my colors are available for this design. You can go traditional pastels, or brights, or red and white. You can cut the design into multiple hearts to give as gifts to friends or your children. Or you can scatter them throughout the house. Or put them on his car (be careful not to block his view of the road).

Put them on a mirror, on a tile, in the shower, on your refrigerator, wherever you want to get someone's attention. Where else could you put them? I know you have great ideas.

Custom orders are available for your hearts at the original price. Just let me know what you want them to say!

~FV Lady


Happy New Year!

I hope you have a wonderful, blessed new year! I will be posting my January Sale of the Month within the next couple of days. Life has been very busy and overflowing with blessings over the last few weeks. I pray yours has been as well.

Thank you for your business of this last year. It has been a fantastic year for Fruitful Vine Creations. I have been so overwhelmed with your kindness and friendships. I feel that I have gained so many new friends. I love hearing your stories and the gracious way you share your lives just a little bit with me. Thank you for all of your encouraging notes. I love to hear about the reactions you have received from others about your lettering and signs. Some are from those you've gifted with the creations we've made together, and others are reactions to what you've done in your house with them. Either way, it is so much fun and rewarding to read about it. Thank you for taking the time to let me know that you are enjoying your Fruitful Vine Creations. I will be updating my gallery with the photos you have sent in (there is still time to submit photos if you would like yours to be included!), as well as some of the very sweet comments you have sent. Love you!

~FV Lady
