Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coming soon...

The Wedding Collection


New fonts!

I love fonts. They can become an obsession if you let 'em. I've heard there are people out there who are way over the edge when it comes to fonts. I'm not quite there, but I understand how that can happen. I just got a couple of new ones for designing.

Strike your fancy? Let me know what you want designed with them. They are way too much fun.

~FV Lady

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Computers, computers...

It has come to my attention that the order form page is not working properly. I have received a few emails letting me know that I have orders, but I am not receiving the orders. If you have filled out an order form and I have not contacted you, please shoot me an email to let me know. You should have gotten an email saying that the order was not submitted, but you know how computers are, it may not have been sent either. If you would like to order, you can just send the info in an email to me. My son, er, webmaster, is looking into the problem and should have it fixed soon. I have great confidence in him. I pay him well.

~FV Lady

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'll let you in on a little secret

I have a hidden page on my website. It's for clients who have asked me to design lettering for them. It's a place they can come to see if they like what I have done, or want something different. Funny thing though. When they go there, many are intrigued by what I have done for others there. Often, I redesign images to be similar to something I have done for someone else. I think most of us like to see other ideas to help us know what we want. Visualization is not something everyone is gifted with. So, I thought I'd share my secret link with you so you can see if something sparks your interest or gives you a start to a new idea for your home. By the way, everything there is available for sale if you see something you want. Shhhh....don't tell anyone. Oh, and check back often because this page changes almost daily!

~FV Lady

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Sale of the Month

Happy October! I cannot believe it it October already! Where has the time gone? I thought the special of the month should reflect the blessings of home.

For the month of October, three sizes are available at the sale price of 20% off.
Large 21"x21" $35 $28
Medium 18"x18" $25 $20
Small 12"x12" $15 $12

This design is available in all of my colors

To order, send me an email to let me know what you want.

~FV Lady