Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Before I got into the word business, I had no idea that there were people out there who collect fonts. I had the basic fonts that came on my computer. I was even savvy enough to actually change fonts on occasion, rather than use the default font. I know, not real savvy. But, once I started creating word art for my walls, I wanted more than the standard Arial or Times New Roman. Even Lucida Casual was a bit bland for what I was envisioning. So I googled fonts. Yeowie. Have you ever done that before? And, did you know that you can pay a ton of money for one font?? Now, the people who design fonts need to make a living, so I don't begrudge them at all. It's just that *I* don't really want to spend a load of cash for a font. But, there are people who do. I did stumble across a great website for free fonts in my search. It's called Dafont. They have fonts for every occasion. So, although I have some fonts listed on my website, if you find a free one on Dafont which is vinyl-compatible, we can use it for your order. Just let me know!
~FV Lady

Friday, April 25, 2008

Free Wall Lettering...

...to the winner. My friend, Camille, is having a contest. The prize is a $25 gift certificate to Fruitful Vine Creations. If you are interested in joining in on the fun, click over to her blog at There is a season... and enter. Time is running out. The contest ends April 30th.
~FV Lady


Why blog?

I have been resisting blogging for quite some time now. My son has been encouraging me to set up a blog, so here I go. I don't expect that I will blog very often, but I wanted a place to share ideas, sales, random thoughts and the sort. Also, perhaps it will help those of you who don't know me personally to get more a feel for who I am. On that note, here I am and here we go! I hope you enjoy.

Oh, one more thing: if you have any ideas you'd like to share, please do! I love to hear about the creativity of others. That's where I get my best ideas!
~FV Lady
