Saturday, November 8, 2008

We had a little contest

The Nester and I were chatting a couple of months ago. We decided together that it would be fun to give away some lettering to one of her readers. So, she had a little giveaway last month. 462 birds entered the contest. I know. It was so much fun reading their comments, hearing their ideas, sharing their enthusiasm about putting words on their walls. Some wanted to put words in their children's rooms, others in their kitchen and laundry rooms. Some wanted to organize their drawers and glass bottles with labels. Still others wanted to put a welcome at their entryway or their name just outside their door. Such beautiful ideas. Then, there were ideas that made me laugh: good kids and bad kids sit here (and there), "CLEAN UP" in a child's room, and my personal fav--Open your pie hole (in French or Italian so that it sounds better) for a kitchen. I really nearly choked on my bagel when I read that. Too funny. Why don't I ever think of funny things like that? If you come over to my house (those who know me of course), and you see something in a foreign language, you just might want to ask me what it means. I might be feeling a bit silly one day and quote it in French (not that I *know* French!).

But, I wanted to share that we did have a winner! Candy and I worked together to find just the right saying for her kitchen. She put them up quickly and sent me a the link to her blog. She sounds pretty happy with her prize. And, I think they look great in her kitchen! Congratulations, Candy! And, thank you, Nester, for the contest. And, happy birthday to you today!

~FV Lady

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